
OPERATING TEMPERATURE The maximum permissible operating temperature is 80°C. The temperature change inside the cylinder causes a change in the charging pressure: an increase of 1° C corresponds to an increase in pressure of 0.33%. WARNINGS In order to obtain longer and better life of the cylinders, the user should take the following precautions during use: • Do not use the stroke beyond 90% of the max. stroke given in the catalogue. • Whenever possible, preload the cylinders by at least 1 mm. • Avoid operations or damage on the bodies or rods. • The cylinders must be charged only with N 2 nitrogen gas. • Charging must be performed with the rod pulled out completely. • Do not charge with pressures above those indicated on the catalogue. IDENTIFICATION All nitrogen cylinders are clearly identified by a marking on the body, as specified by ISO standards and they comply with the PED community directive (97/23/CE). CHOICE OF CYLINDERS The cylinders can be chosen in the following ways: • calculate how many cylinders can be placed in the area available; • establish the charge in daN needed for each cylinder, increased by at least 10%, both in cylinder opening and closing conditions and establish the stroke required; • choose the cylinder according to the charge and stroke required on the basis of the nominal forces developed according to the various charging pressures (data given in the diagrams). The cylinders can work individually or connected in a system. • They can be charged individually and then positioned in their housings or fastened with special flanges. • They can be connected to one another on the die through a control panel and a network of tubes and fittings. • The cylinders can be connected to a compensation chamber, if a lower increase of the force is needed during work. INTRODUCTION GB 9