
Page 1695 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.6 Moving, Transferring, Connecting with Shafts and Joints Couplings Assembly Instructions Alignment adjustment Like all mechanical parts, shafts are subjected to manufacturing and assembly tolerances that generally cannot be enti- rely eliminated even with extensive technical measures. Couplings can compensate for the resulting misalignments while still ensuring transmission of the necessary torque. However, if the misalignments exceed the permissible values, this results in vibrations that can quickly shorten the service life of the coupling. The actual shaft misalignment may, therefore, never be larger than the specified permissible values. The permissible shaft misalignment values given in the standard sheet take into account only the lateral, angular or axial misalignment. In the event of combined misalignments consisting of two or more errors, each permissible value is reduced to half the value specified in the standard sheet. In general, it is recommended to limit misalignments to no more than one third of the permissible value in the standard sheet. This is because shaft misalignment occurs not only during assembly. It often develops during operation as the result of vibrations, thermal expansion or bearing wear. Lateral Angular - symmetrical Angular - asymmetrical Lateral and angular Axial (axial motion) Runout