
Page 1643 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.6 Moving, Transferring, Connecting with Shafts and Joints Universal Joints and Universal Joint Shafts Mounting Information The single universal joints transfer the initial steady rotation as an irregular rotation becau- se one revolution of the drive shaft using the single universal joint will cause the driven shaft to accelerate and decelerate twice. The extent of the irregularity depends on the operating angle ß. In order to obtain a smooth rotation, two single or one double universal joint is required. In such cases where minor irregularities in the movement are acceptable or where minor inclination angles are the norm, a single universal joint will do. For a steady transfer of rotation, the inclination angles ß must be equal on both ends of the con- necting shaft. If the universal joint shafts are connected incor- rectly, the irregular rotation of each joint is not compensated, but strengthened. This can de- stroy joint bearings and wedge profiles. For this reason, the markings of the universal joint shaft halves have to be opposite to each other when connecting them. Furthermore, the bearings must be as close as possible to the universal joints. For continuous operation of universal joints with friction bearings, adequate lubrication is essenti- al. If drip lubrication is not possible, they should be lubricated at least once a day. It is also possi- ble to fit the universal joint with a gaiter GN 808.1 which can be filled with oil or grease.