"~r : ,.: ...~.' c,..,:'..:'.:..~..,.~'~ Send for Tube Piercing & Notching brochure for more information. SYSTEMS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET ~ CHART Chart shows how a typical sheet metal part can be punched and notched using various combinations of workstations. Costs are control- led by matching the system to production quan- tities. Prototypes can be made in a cost effec- tive manner using a single Multicyl and inter- changing the tooling. CNC punching machines only punch one hole at a time and may be outperformed by (example E) for high volumes. EXAM PLE - Material = .036" thick Mild Steel - Part requires: 4 notches @2" x 2" = 3.6 tons each; 8 holes @ I" diameter = 2.8 tons - Suggest using 7 1/2 ton Multicyl with standard 3 x 3 notchers and I" diameter capac- ity unitized punching tools. A) Using a single Multicyl station and interchanging tooling. corners may be notched and holes may be punched individually in 12 STEPS. B) 1Wo Multicyl stations. one for notch- ing. one for hole punching. results in the part produced in 6 STEPS. C)Using one corner notch. and two hole punching stations reduces the number of opera- tions to 4 STEPS. D) Add a second corner notch and two punch stations to punch half of the symetrical part in one hit. complete part in 2 STEPS. E)One Multicylfor each station produces the ultimate punching machine to complete the part in 1 STEP. r , I I I I I L_--r'- , r- I I I I A) 12 STEPS ~ J I L-- _.J r , i ~JJ.I.I.I ~ : =E)' : ~ iiii~ L J I I I STEP I I I I Example (Number) of Multicyl # operations @ capital cost cycle time parts / hour tool set PowerPunch stations 5 secs per hit . (approx) (sec) UP time A (1) x 71/2 ton Multicyl 12 operations $3000 60 60 extensive notcher & punch unit B (2) x 71/2 ton Multicyls 8 operations $5000 40 90 high 1 notcher 1 punch unit C (3) x 71/2 ton Multicyls 4 operations $7000 20 180 low 1 notcher 2 punch units D (6) x 71/2 ton Multicyls 2 operations $14000 10 360 low 2 notchers 4 punch units E (12) x 71/2 ton Multicyls 1 operation $28000 5 720 none 4 notchers 8 punch units . includes 4 seconds for handling
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