
.. .~ . 1(1 --. ~.. ;",..;;;;fJ A~~t:..tVl t:jL Y t~j ASSEMBLY Multicyl is used as the power source for virtually any assembly method where two or more parts are fastened together including rivet- I ing, staking, crimping and clinching. In this cir- cuit breaker assembly the Multcyl is not actu- ated until the part has been tested under work- ing conditions, by passing a pre-timed electric current through the switch. using a standard i Multicage housing, the auxiliary pneumatic and I electronic operations were easily accommo- dated due to the open design feature. Marking, Date Stamping and PEM Nut Assembly are typical automated applications. Automotive components riveted in Slide Machine Multicyl. The Automated Solution. For safety reasons the parts are sometimes pre-as- sembled in a slide which then advances to auto- matically stake with a shorter or guarded stroke. A slide may be 11 used in automated systems. Innovative automated systems may be built for assembly operations Factors (or materials: Steel 25 t\lumlnum 15 Stainless Steel 40 Stripping force, as described above, up to 7%may be needed depending upon material cret to success is to bal- and tooling conditions. within the tooling. Un- I Punch and die clearance can dramati- has gibs and slides a i cally change the punching load on metal as lies on the acuracy and I compressive stress is rapidly replaced by shear to provide a bal- stress, whenever die clearance is increased. dition. Tool conditions, such as alignment and guidance can cause premature wear on cutting i edges with resultant increase in working forces. , Sharp tools need less force. ; Shear Angle on cutting tools may reduce I force by up to 50%. However, this may result in the need for a longer power stroke. Shop air pressure variations proportion- : ately affect Multicyl for force output. ,.-'''-'''''''' ."'u..' "'-'"" ._~ ,... \.iM"'''''''' Rr (:If HrK nfF rHAN<-;1=' MuIticyt systems use the same tooling as a conventional presses ~ CELLULAR MANUFACTURING By building Multiycl into the tool the user I may enjoy the benefits of "instant tooling", com- bining the tool and press in a single unit. Elimi- I nate downtime by incorporating Multiycl into the die design. With production tooling permanently set up, a high level of quality may be maintained I from a less skilled work force. Fast set ups cut I downtime considerable on job changeover. Ease I of operation and safety helps workers become I more productive by providing a safe, simple set I up which may be quickly remounted on other tools. By storing a "family"of dies at, a Multicyl Work Station, unnecessary movement may be eliminated. The tooling on this type of random- order machine may be interchanged in minutes, sometimes seconds. Compare this with one hour of using a fork lift and add the duties of a set-up man and supervisor to re-allocate the pro- duction worker. Eliminate the space provision for parts storage and material handling for Work in Proc- ess'. Space requirements are dramatically less. Replace large presses with smaller workstations positioned in-line on regular workbenches. The smaller size permits closer location to second- ary operations such as shearing, forming and packaging. From raw material to finished goods the tool changeover time is reduced dramatically. I ~ DOUBLE ACTING I For longer applications where longer I overall and power n stroke may be required, ; use the DMor DX :-. series. Tooling (usually I up to 200 Ibs max) may be fastened to the I ram. The use of a .' flexible coupler isolates i the cylinder from' i' transverse forces. I I The se- ,""..; i ance the load I like a press which I Multicyl system re- I ability of the tool I anced load con- The double acting DX Series produce up to 4- of overall stroke t;~ SHEAR SIMPLICITY The Shear Simplicity of a Multicyl Sys- tem. Take a standard Shear Die and combine it with a Multicyl system and the result is an afford- able Shear which can be used as a dedicated or versatile workstation for cutting steel or coil stock. Cycle speeds of up to 60 strokes per minute can be achieved. No need to use 10 or 12 foot Shear for small work. By varying the cylinder and other components many different combinations can be achieved. I Packages available in shear lengths up to 12", material thickness 1/8" maximum, up to I 25 tons. r;~j TONNAGE REQUIREMENT Shearing tonnage = S x Shear Length x T Round Holes = S x 1tXD x T Stripping Formula = Shear Length x T x 3500 = Force in Pounds Example: I" dia. in 16 gauge Mild Steel 25 x 1tx 1 x .060 = 4.7 Tons 5 :strength (tensile) of material D : diameter T . thickness