
14 PRODUCT INFORMATION How to calculate the Force In order to find out how much contrasting force F is produced by a single cylinder, simply multiply the calibration pressure P of the pressure-reducing valve by the net cross-section of the piston rod S . F = P x S - Maximum calibration pressure of pressure-reducing valve: 250 bar - Minimum calibration pressure of pressure-reducing valve: 30 bar - S cross-section: specified on each model How to calculate the Pressure In order to find out the calibration pressure of the pressure-reducing valve, simply divide the contrasting force produced by the cylinder by the net cross-section of the piston rod. P = F / S Key to the abbreviations F = contrasting force produced by the cylinder S = net cross-section of the piston rod V = volume of oil contained in the cylinder P = pressure of the fluid inside the cylinder (corresponds to the calibration pressure of the pressure-reducing valve) Once you have specified the total amount of the force which is required and the number of pressure points, you can move on to choose the best suitable cylinder among the ones that are available. At the planning stage, it is always advisable to add a 20%-safety margin to the maximum pressure which the cylinders are normally designed to withstand. Example: Total force required for plate forming = 35 Ton . Number of pressure points on tool = 8 Each cylinder will produce a contrasting force equal to 35/8 = 4,4 Ton (4400 daN) The AC 5700 model with a net cross-section of 22,9 cm 2 is suitable (the stroke choice is free). The working pressure equals therefore 4400/22,9 = 192 bar